Transdisciplinary Approaches for a Changing World

"Building Resilience to Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction: Transdisciplinary Approaches for a Changing World"

This topic captures the main focus of the book, highlighting the importance of transdisciplinary education and research in addressing the challenges of climate change and natural disasters. It emphasizes the need to build resilience in the face of evolving risks from rapid global change.

Building Resilience to Climate Change (BRCC)

  • Addressing the impacts of climate change and vulnerability of least developed and developing countries
  • Customizing global knowledge to local conditions through transdisciplinary approaches
  • Key areas of focus: downscaling climate change forecasts, assessing impacts, developing response strategies
  • Challenges: Lack of access to emerging knowledge, qualified professionals, and dialogue between researchers and implementing communities
  • Objectives of INATE's BRCC programs: Increase technical competence, facilitate knowledge customization, and meet local conditions and constraints

Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

  • Increasing frequency and magnitude of natural disasters due to rapid global changes
  • Shift from reactionary to proactive, preventive approach and from hazard mitigation to risk reduction
  • Importance of tailoring strategies to local needs and conditions
  • Transdisciplinary approaches for continuous monitoring, knowledge transfer, and efficient feedback mechanisms
  • INATE's Transdisciplinary Education on Disaster Risk Reduction (TeDrr): Project-based programs involving universities, local governments, NGOs, and communities
  • Focus on integrating disaster risk reduction into daily lives and supporting post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals

Contribution to Global Initiatives

  • Alignment with the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction
  • Support for the Hyogo Framework of Actions' priority area of Knowledge and Education
  • Contribution to the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai (2015)


  • Transdisciplinary education as a response to evolving risks from rapid global change
  • INATE's focus on transdisciplinary education for building resilience to climate change and disaster risk reduction
  • Commitment to sustainable development and global initiatives in addressing these challenges